Trust and vulnerability are important in today’s workplace. But Why?


In today’s workplace people expect you to be real. Long gone are the days when we had one persona at home and one at work. Thankfully, most of us have figured out we are who we are and you bring that person with you to work, home and everywhere in between. That’s, in a nutshell, why trust and vulnerability are so important in today’s employee-employer relationship.

We love Brené Brown. And she preaches this concept like nobody’s business, perhaps better than most who have tried to get the point across before. On her website, she says: “Trust is earned in the smallest of moments. It is not earned through heroic deeds, or even highly visible actions, but through paying attention, listening and gestures of genuine care and connection.”

It’s true. Think about the times you’ve had breakthroughs with an employee or an employer. We’re betting it was probably through something you weren’t expecting. And it was probably small. Small gestures over time add up to huge relationship gains. Employers and employees need to know they can trust each other and in today’s world, that trust is often gained by being vulnerable.

We’d like to challenge you to be more vulnerable this week. At home, work and with your friends. Take note when you find yourself being less than authentic and ask yourself why. Then, try out being a little more vulnerable. Keep a journal of this week and you might be surprised at the results you see or how being vulnerable makes you feel. And, we’d love to hear about your experiences!